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Hawa's Hope

Promoting Safe Birth

west african fundraiser

Please come and support Hawa’s Hope to provide 2025 Spring Training Sessions for midwives in Sierra Leone.  Get ready for a wonderful experience with a traditional West African meal and an African drum & dance performance by Fenix Drum and Dance Company.  We will have a silent and live auction with an Art and Adventure theme.  Bring cash, cards, Venmo, Zelle to help us meet our goals for our 2025 Skills Training Trip.  


Giving birth to a healthy child is one of the most exciting and exhilarating events in a woman’s life.  In Sierra Leone, one of the poorest countries on the west coast of Africa, it is first and foremost treacherous.   Sierra Leone with limited access to prenatal care/modern obstetrical care and inadequate birthing resources has one of the highest rates of maternal/infant death and birthing complications in the world. 


Hawa’s Hope was established in 2018. We partner with birthing centers and midwifery schools in Sierra Leone to provide workshops and hands-on seminars to train modern skills and improve the expertise of midwifery students and experienced midwives.  Advancing skills to recognize and resolve birthing complications saves mothers and their babies.  The hands-on seminars we teach are transformational for the participants. Our goal is capacity building - teach and encourage spread of knowledge to help grow a stronger healthcare workforce for the rural and remote areas of the country.  

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Our mission is to provide direct support to professional birth attendants through educational events, use of simulation, and one on one mentoring at the bedside, in an effort to reduce the number of women who die in childbirth in Sierra Leone and beyond.

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GIVE TODAY TO save a life

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