We hope to inspire you to consider becoming a part of the team in the future. Beginning January of 2020, we plan to take 10-15 medical professionals with us annually to provide one on one mentoring that will promote safe birth practices. Our vision is that every January, for two weeks, we will arrive in SL with a team of professionals. We will host an educational conference, with simulation, for all in country birth healthcare professionals (physicians, nurses, and midwives). After the conference, we will send team members out in groups of two with attendees of the conference. You will work with them at facilities where prenatal care and births occur, encouraging and promoting best practice. We hope our team of volunteers will include nurses, physicians, and midwives. Nurses should have labor and delivery, postpartum, or neonatal experience. Please contact Marla or Joanie if you are interested in joining our team of hands on mentors.

As we prepare to go in September, we know of many needs we need to take with us, and we also know there will be needs we are not yet aware of that will become evident once we are in country. We know for sure we want to provide some delivery items (maybe kits?) like bulb syringes, pads, stethoscopes, scissors, cord tie, sutures, clamps, etc. We also know we want to offer some educational materials that will require paper, copying, and simple spiral bound books. We are partnering with two midwifery schools and can imagine they have needs for student support, likely textbooks and other materials.
We are also specifically looking to purchase three simulation models that we want to take with us. Specific information about pricing and to see the models can be found here

We have several immediate needs from a financial perspective. One, we are preparing for our first trip in country in less than two months. We are in need of support for airfare, conference room reservation fees, copying of materials for three 1 day educational events, and three simulation devices to be used for education.

Thoughts & Prayers
We hope many of you will join us on this journey to promote safe birth in SL. Some of you might join us with financial support. Others might give of their own time and efforts and come with us as volunteers, mentoring best practice with the healthcare providers currently working there. And we hope some of you will join us through encouragement and support through sending positive thoughts and prayers. We cherish all that join in any way you can.